Monday, January 3, 2022

January 3 - Our common welfare

We watched a few more Harry Potter movies today. I think we have 4 left in our collection. It's been twenty years since we watched these but they are still enjoyable.

The zoom meeting we attended today was based in the Hawaiian Islands. That's the thing I've always enjoyed about the internet. Although some of us attending the meeting were in different provinces of Canada, some were on various islands in Hawaii, some were from New Zealand, we all came together on a chat server based in Hawaii, so we could all say we were in Hawaii.

I thought our supper was going to be shake and bake pork chops, but what I thought were pork chops in the deep freeze turned out to be small boneless beef steaks. I improvised and made a beef stirfry with rice. But, it suggested to me that I could mark the bags in the freezer so that I know what I'm thawing out. We gets wiser as we gets older.

I learned something today, in the meeting we attended. It was good to know I am still teachable. The topic for discussion was the first tradition, so it was basically about unity. Now, I've been noticing the passion the group members have for their group. I know, from my own studies on the twelve traditions, that the unity they speak of in that tradition is not so much about group unity as it is about the unity of the fellowship as a whole. One way to not practice unity is to compare one group with another or to make comments that suggest AA is better in one place than it is in another. They make many comments about their group being the best group in the whole of AA. I was going to point this out to the group today when suddenly I realized that for me to do so would itself be detrimental to the unity of AA. Sometimes it's best to let people figure things out on their own.

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