Sunday, August 14, 2022

15 – The Gift Excerpt from The Seventh Crow, copyright © 2013 Bernie Schultz


When I fell in love with Nancy, I forgot to ask her if she had children. Well, she had told me she was married twice before and I recall her mentioning she had a few sons and a few daughters but I naturally assumed they were all grown up, moved out and married with children of their own. Buzz! Wrong answer!

Nancy had two sons and two daughters. One son and one daughter did fit my description, but the others were still teenagers and still living at home. Now, I had a son of my own so I had a rough idea how that was done. But, when it came to daughters, I didn't have a clue.

I suppose it would have been easier if she didn't hate me the way she did. She would not look at me or talk to me or speak to me when I spoke to her. She completely ignored me and if she hadn't burst into a temper tantrum the day she found out I was coming to live with them, I might have assumed she didn't acknowledge me at all. This affected me deeply.

I remember asking Nancy why she hated me and Nancy said oh don't worry she treats a lot of people that way. Really? Well I did some covert observing and I didn't see her treat anyone else the way she treated me.

I talked to my sponsor about it. He gave me one of his mysterious one-liner answers. "Don't go to them; let them come to you." It made perfect sense to him, and no sense to me. When I asked him to elaborate, he said, "Be patient. Work your steps, that's what they're for." Well, I know now what he was trying to say. He was talking about the principles that are embedded in the Twelve Steps, spiritual principles by which we try to live our lives, a day at a time.

So I was patient. I waited six months and she still wasn't talking to me, unless you count that time I was standing in front of the fridge when she was hungry and she said, "Could you move?" Oh, and there was that other time when she said, "If you think we're going to be one big happy family, you're sadly mistaken!" Then she made a comment about my IQ.

There was another wise old man I sometimes confided in when my sponsor wasn't readily available or when I just wanted a second opinion, so I talked to him about all this 

He was a spiritual man and he directed me to the Prayer of St. Francis, to the verse that states: "Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, to love than to be loved, for it is by self-forgetting that we find, it is by forgiving others that we ourselves are forgiven, it is by dying that we awaken to life."

My friend went on to say something I have never forgotten. He said everyone ultimately wants, desires, needs only one thing - to be loved. And if we want to be loved, we must love first. What I came here looking for, I must come here looking with.

And that's exactly what I did. I gave Angel (that's her name by the way) unconditional love. That's not always an easy thing to do, because in order to give unconditional love, we must practice acceptance. I would need to accept Angel for who she was and how she felt about me. I would need to allow her to be where she was for as long as it took her to realize where she was. Sometimes that would mean accepting unacceptable behavior and sometimes it might mean redefining what was acceptable or unacceptable.

A wise man once said, in reference to alcoholics, honesty with ourselves and others is what gets us sober, but it is tolerance that keeps us sober. Tolerance is defined as the readiness to allow others to think and act as they see fit. So, I was tolerant.

I began to see from observing Angel that it was not me she disagreed with. In fact, it had little to do with me, it was the role I was in. The father. Without going into too much detail about the failings of another, her biological father had been unkind to her. Not in a physical way, but he had seldom, if ever, expressed the love of a father toward his daughter. I do not know why. I only know my own story. Like me, my father had been an alcoholic. I knew from my own experience as one that alcoholics are people who suffer from an inability to carry on a true partnership with the people around them. It may not have been that my father didn't love me, he just did not know how to say it or show it.

Suddenly, in that instant, I understood. I wanted to rush over to her and tell her it was okay. I wanted her to know that I possessed the one thing she had never known, the unconditional love of a father for his daughter, for despite everything, I saw her as my daughter.

Unbidden, the words of my sponsor echoed in my head, "Don't tell her, show her." I practised more patience, and I made every attempt I could think of to show her she was loved and needed. I did little things for her. I folded her laundry when she was too busy with her homework to do it herself. I bought grocery items that I knew she liked. I left little notes here and there, the kind that require an answer, like will you be home for supper? is there anything you want me to pick up tonight? do you need any money? And so in a small way, we began to communicate. I think the most important part was that I was listening, paying attention.

One evening, her and some friends went to a school dance and they got into some rum. Angel was escorted home by two chaperones. She was very drunk. Nancy and I put her to bed. I sat up all night, in case she needed anything. The next day, she had no recollection of the night before, and the last person she wanted to talk to about it was the only person home.

We had quite a chat that day, about alcohol and alcoholism, blackouts, about my drinking and my reasons for drinking. I told her I basically drank because I was afraid. Well, she couldn't imagine how anyone as big and strong as me could be afraid of something. I told her I was mostly afraid of rejection, of abandonment, of failure. I showed her that I had weaknesses and she was smart enough to know that I wouldn't tell just anybody that stuff. She told me that the main reason she didn't want us to become close is because she was afraid I would leave too. I didn't say I wouldn't. I just nodded and told her I understood how she felt. I think I made a friend that day. Some time passed and we began to talk a little more.

One day, I told her something about myself, about a secret I had been keeping from everyone and had only recently exposed to the light of day. Angel asked me why I was telling her. I said I was telling all the people who were important to me. She began to cry and said he had never told her she was important to him. We hugged that day and she cried on my shoulder. I cried too and I think she knows. She has never mentioned it, but I think she knows.

On another day, not long after, Angel told me she loved me. She did it in a way I will never forget. In my spiritual life, I have a tool called a God Box. Whenever I am wrestling with some thing I cannot seem to let go of, I put it in the box. It's a physical way of putting the situation into God's hands. Well, one of the men I sponsored needed a god box, so I gave him mine. Then I put a request in for a god box on my xmas wish list.

On xmas morning, I opened a gift that Angel had bought for me. Inside was a beautiful box, very expensive I could tell, with picture frames on all four sides and on the top. Inside each frame were pictures of sunsets and clouds and other scenes she hoped would be helpful to me in my morning meditation. On each one, she had handwritten a line of the Serenity Prayer and on the back she wrote I Love You and signed her name. I was speechless.

On father's day of the following year, Angel gave me a brooch made out of pewter. It was a native American symbol of the Wolf. She said she wanted to give me this gift because on the box it said the wolf was a symbol of family and togetherness and that I had taught her that these things were important. I asked Angel if she was familiar with the St. Francis Prayer. She had never heard of it. Well, the emblem of St. Francis, the gentleman who wrote the prayer that drew Angel and I together, is the Wolf. Imagine that.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 18, 2022


One day a young boy asked his father if they could go fishing.

His father said, “No not today, son. I'm very busy.” He wasn't really busy. He was drinking.

The next day the boy asked his father if they could go to the circus because it was in town and he wanted to go since he'd never been to a circus before.

His father said, “No, son. Not today. I'd really love to take you but I'm very busy today.” But, his father wasn't really busy today, either. He was drinking.

The next day the boy asked if they could play catch.

His father was drinking and he was becoming annoyed by these constant interruptions so he took a map that was on the coffee table, ripped the map into dozens of pieces, gave it to the boy and said, “When you get this map back together, then we'll go play catch.”

The boy ran off laughing to himself. Ten minutes later he had returned with the map all taped together and showed it to his father.

His father said, “Hey how did you do that so fast?”

The little boy said it was easy. He turned the page over and there was a silhouette of a man. “When I put the man back together, the world came together.”

All my life I had tried to put the world together in the hope that the man would come together. But, I had it all wrong. The world wasn't broken. The man was. I didn't get sober the day I heard this story. I still had another year of hell to go through. But the story stayed with me and when I finally did get sober, I tried to put the man back together. A funny thing happened. The whole world came together. The people, the places, and the things in this new world are not the ones from the old world.

My son is as old now as I was then. There are no fishing rods for us, no circus tents, no catchers mitts. The cat's in the cradle now. We still talk and sometimes we tell each other how proud we are of what the other has become. Those are the moments that matter.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 19, 2022

Here it is, 4 days later, and the issue I was having with social media has resolved itself. When I was at the peak of my frustration, I did what I should have done in the beginning. I put the matter in the hands of my higher power whom I choose to call God and a funny thing happened. First, the stress of trying to control an uncontrollable situation eased up. And then, I saw a solution to my dilemma. I merely logged in to my account and I have been using it in moderation and that appears to be working.

Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15, 2022

It's been a long week for me. I'm having issues with a social media platform. I keep getting locked out or having various restrictions placed upon me, I haven't been provided with a suitable reason and I don't seem able to rectify the situation. The only option appears to be leaving the platform. That is what it is. I do have a presence on other platforms and I do have a presence here. I'll have to make a few changes in the way I do things. You might be seeing more of me than before. Because you know me, I have a lot to say.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Strangers At A Wake, excerpt From Laymans Guide To Screaming, copyright 2013



I see there are 200 people in my friends list.

Does that mean I have 200 friends? or that I know 200 people?

If I deactivated my profile today would anyone notice?

Would there be 200 frantic inquiries to social media HQ?

What happened? Where's my friend? Or would 200 people

simply shrug and remove that faceless silhouette

from their list?

Would they still like my photos and

reminisce over my witty posts?

or would they be like strangers at a wake

who come and eat all the food but

never sign the guestbook?

© Bernie Schultz 2013

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Making Coffee

I once heard it said that service work (in AA) is anything that makes a twelfth step call possible. So, you might be the person who answered the phone when the new guy called, you might be the person who said hello and shook the newcomer's hand, you might be the guy making coffee at the meeting or the person chairing the meeting. You don't have to be a group officer, you don't have to serve on a committee, or be the treasurer or a secretary, but these are all service positions you can do simply by volunteering to do them.

In my early days, I did the things that didn't require much skill: setting up the chairs or making the coffee or standing at the door, greeting. As time passed and I became more confident, I agreed to do one of the readings. From there, I chose to sit at the chairperson's side, serving as his or her secretary, and eventually as the chairperson which really is just more reading.

In the past 25 years, I've served on various committees, as a representative of my group and even as the leader of the district committee. None of the jobs I have done are any more important than the other. Like an inukshuk, each stone in the structure supports the others.

Currently, I am the general service representative for my group, I chair meetings at my group when asked to, and I will also be a speaker for birthday meetings at my group, when asked to. I find that I don't always have to say yes when I'm asked to do something, but if I have the time to do it, I should agree to do it. 

The way I have always seen it is that if everyone thinks someone else is making the coffee, the coffee won't get made. And then, when a newcomer shows up, who will be there to greet him or show him where to be seated, or where the coffee pot is, etc. It is true that I should never over-extend myself in service work by taking on too many jobs, or by doing one job for too long a period of time.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6 - Trust

My word today was Trust. I thought if it had been Expectations, I could have found it more appropriate for today. I have an online group that I started a few years back. I decided to get it back up and running, so I spoke to a few members who used to attend and let them know it was happening. I also spoke to some members from other groups and in the end there were 11 people in the group.

When meeting time started, there were 4 of us in attendance, out of 11 persons. I was not impressed, but only because I had erroneously placed expectations on people I really don't know that well. I suppose my higher power sent the people he knew needed the meeting tonight and if the others need the meeting next week, they'll be there next week.

Maybe the word from my godbox was appropriate.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 4 - Trust God, Clean House, Help Others

 The words I pulled from my god box this morning was Help Others. The first thing that comes to mind when I see that is sponsorship. There is a phrase in our program that says trust god, clean house, help others. It's common knowledge that we cannot transmit something we don't have; we can't heal a sick mind with a sick mind. So, first we need to see that our own house is in order before we can try to fix another's house. Before we begin to work on ourselves, it's suggested that we allow god or a higher power to enter our lives to offer us guidance. In the book Alcoholics Anonymous, in a passage on meditation, it says before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking. The same applies with helping others. Before we begin, we ask god for guidance. Everything is connected; the trick is finding the dots.

I have been sober for 24 years but I still go to a fair bit of meetings. Bill W, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous once wrote "we meet frequently so that newcomers will find the fellowship they crave". I attend meetings frequently with the newcomer in mind. I even have a small group started so that newcomers, and others, can read the big book and study it because the suggested twelve step recovery program is within its pages, waiting for eager minds to grasp it.

Monday, January 3, 2022

January 3 - Our common welfare

We watched a few more Harry Potter movies today. I think we have 4 left in our collection. It's been twenty years since we watched these but they are still enjoyable.

The zoom meeting we attended today was based in the Hawaiian Islands. That's the thing I've always enjoyed about the internet. Although some of us attending the meeting were in different provinces of Canada, some were on various islands in Hawaii, some were from New Zealand, we all came together on a chat server based in Hawaii, so we could all say we were in Hawaii.

I thought our supper was going to be shake and bake pork chops, but what I thought were pork chops in the deep freeze turned out to be small boneless beef steaks. I improvised and made a beef stirfry with rice. But, it suggested to me that I could mark the bags in the freezer so that I know what I'm thawing out. We gets wiser as we gets older.

I learned something today, in the meeting we attended. It was good to know I am still teachable. The topic for discussion was the first tradition, so it was basically about unity. Now, I've been noticing the passion the group members have for their group. I know, from my own studies on the twelve traditions, that the unity they speak of in that tradition is not so much about group unity as it is about the unity of the fellowship as a whole. One way to not practice unity is to compare one group with another or to make comments that suggest AA is better in one place than it is in another. They make many comments about their group being the best group in the whole of AA. I was going to point this out to the group today when suddenly I realized that for me to do so would itself be detrimental to the unity of AA. Sometimes it's best to let people figure things out on their own.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2 - Importance of Meetings

Another day draws to it's ending. It was not an unusual day but not an overly typical day either. To start with, I overslept, about an hour past my usual waking time. Luckily, I had arisen two hours earlier and took the day's ham out to continue thawing it. After eating breakfast, I baked a few dozen peanut butter cookies. You understand today is Sunday and every Sunday my stepson joins us for supper. I like to bake him cookies and those are his favorite.

For the meal, I made a glazed picnic ham. It was delicious. At some point during the day, Nancy suggested we watch some old Harry Potter movies so we started with the first one. We had to pause it while we ate, but that's why they invented the pause feature, right. We like to attend our self-help meetings. There's one we've just started going to that is in Hawaii, but the time of that conflicts with a local meeting we go to, so we're attempting to alternate each day between the two, to see how that works. Our home group also meets on sunday evening, so we attended that one this evening.

We managed to watch the second Harry Potter movie. I suppose we might have been able to do 3 or 4 movies if we had just skipped our meetings, but that's not how it works for us. We plan our life around our meetings and not our meetings around our life. The way we see it is simple. Without recovery from alcoholism, we would have no life. We recovered by going to meetings and now that we are recovered, we continue to go to meetings, partly because we enjoy them and partly because we like to explain to the new people what I just explained to you.

Know what I mean. Jellybean.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Beginning of the Year Rant


It's the first day of 2022. I don't like to make new year's resolutions. I prefer to just take things a day at a time. When I do my daily inventory, sometimes I see things that I'm doing that I shouldn't be doing, or things that I'm not doing that I should be doing. So, I make a mental note to change those items. Of course, the only day I concern myself with is today. If today I make positive changes, then when I make my inventory I won't see those items I saw before. People say if you do a thing every day for 2 weeks, it will become a habit. I suppose the same can be postulated concerning things that you don't do.

One of the items in recent inventory lists of mine was writing or blogging more frequently and here I am, doing that. I was thinking of starting a fresh blog but another of the items in my inventory was the elimination of unnecessary clutter. I already have a blog. Why create a new one? I'm not really going anywhere with this post other than just creating a beginning of the year rant. I see,by the clock, that I have 36 minutes to finish this rant or it will be tomorrow's.

So, that's all for now.