Saturday, May 23, 2015

Being 59

I wondered if being 59 would be any different than being 58. I do feel different. Not in a physical way. It's more of a mental shift. I'm seeing certain things in a different way and I'm thinking about certain things in a better way. My attitude and my outlook has changed. It's hard to describe without giving examples.

I do not like to waste my time and I particularly do not like it when other people waste my time. And yet, I have wasted a lot of my time over the past year or so and I have allowed other people to waste my time. I'm not getting any younger and what time I have left is important to me, so I've decided not to waste any more of it.

I'm not happy at my Mickey Mouse job. I know I require a job to pay my bills and I know that changing jobs is not really going to solve the problem. The problem has to do with the weird hours I work. The job itself is fine. I like most of the people here. Oh there's a few dickheads but you get that wherever you go.

The solution as I see it is to be self employed. To write full time. So that's my plan for that aspect of my life. I started this year by self-publishing three of my books. I'll leave them posted at that site for one year. I'm working on some other stuff and once I get a guaranteed cash flow, I'll be leaving Disney.

I'm beginning to realize what a fairweather friend is. They are the ones who don't mind being your friend as long as it doesn't require any effort on their part. You get a lot of those on Facebook. At the risk of contradicting myself, I realize that Facebook is not real life. I received a lot of birthday greetings last week, but more than half my Facebook contacts never even said hello. They were probably busy with other more important things. It may be partly my fault. I post a lot so maybe they stopped following me. If that's the case then they won't even notice when I say goodbye.

I know there a few other changes I need to make. I need to quit smoking and improve my diet and get more exercise. I'll do all that stuff in my own time without any prodding. I might tell you about it when I do it or I might not.

The biggest change I'll be making is not changing at all. I am what I am said Popeye. If you decide you don't like me, just click the X button

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