I start every day the same way. I read from 2 books, an AA book and an Al-anon book. Then, I say a little prayer and I pick a word or a slogan from my god box. Then, I share that word with a couple dozen people. Some are people I sponsor. Some are just people I know. Little conversations sometimes result from that. Some of them have their own words they share, some just comment on mine. The whole process takes about an hour and it grounds me enough to go through the day. Today, the slogan was First Things First. Buddy of mine often says the days that I pray almost always turn out better than the days I don't. I can recall way back in the days before I sobered up, God-talk as I called it, made me uncomfortable, sometimes so much that I extricated myself from the conversation. Back then, I didn't believe in those things and I didn't want to believe in those things and I didn't care if you believed as long as you did your believing someplace else. If you're one of those people who doesn't like all that God-talk, here let me get the door for you.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Coincidence or Godcidence.
Someone remarked to me today that something that happened to her was either a Coincidence or a Godcidence. It reminded me of a saying I sometimes use that Coincidence is how God protects His anonymity. And, speaking of anonymity. I have this ritual I do every morning. I read from some daily readers, I say a small peayer, something to the effect of God, show me what to do today, and then I pick a word from my God box. This morning, the word was Anonymity. By Coincidence, I was writing a story last night for the Forum, the monthly journal for Al-Anon. In order to make my point in the story, I would need to break my own anonymity and mention that I am also in AA. So, here I was reminded of the importance of not doing that.
Was it a coincidence or a godcidence as my friend alluded to?