Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 19, 2022

Here it is, 4 days later, and the issue I was having with social media has resolved itself. When I was at the peak of my frustration, I did what I should have done in the beginning. I put the matter in the hands of my higher power whom I choose to call God and a funny thing happened. First, the stress of trying to control an uncontrollable situation eased up. And then, I saw a solution to my dilemma. I merely logged in to my account and I have been using it in moderation and that appears to be working.

Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15, 2022

It's been a long week for me. I'm having issues with a social media platform. I keep getting locked out or having various restrictions placed upon me, I haven't been provided with a suitable reason and I don't seem able to rectify the situation. The only option appears to be leaving the platform. That is what it is. I do have a presence on other platforms and I do have a presence here. I'll have to make a few changes in the way I do things. You might be seeing more of me than before. Because you know me, I have a lot to say.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Strangers At A Wake, excerpt From Laymans Guide To Screaming, copyright 2013



I see there are 200 people in my friends list.

Does that mean I have 200 friends? or that I know 200 people?

If I deactivated my profile today would anyone notice?

Would there be 200 frantic inquiries to social media HQ?

What happened? Where's my friend? Or would 200 people

simply shrug and remove that faceless silhouette

from their list?

Would they still like my photos and

reminisce over my witty posts?

or would they be like strangers at a wake

who come and eat all the food but

never sign the guestbook?

© Bernie Schultz 2013